Saturday 7 January 2017

DID MARTIANS START CHRISTIANITY A VERY LONG TIME AGO? New shocking claim "Jesus' face is found on Mars"

First of all I want to show you a quick video about possible plant life that has been found on Mars, it's very cool and well worth watching?

Here's the post;
AN ALIEN hunter has claimed extraterrestrials may have influenced life on Earth and follow the same religions as humans.
Jesus-Mars image leaves Christians in disbelief
Jesus face has been found on Mars
This is a carving like the Turin Shroud on Mars, claims an alien hunter.

The outlandish announcement has been made on website, following shocking pictures which appear to show the face of Jesus, like that depicted on the Turin Shroud have been found near "other archaeological remains" in NASA images of the Red Planet. Scott C Waring, editor of the website, said: "The Jesus-like face below is difficult to see.

It looks similar to the Shroud of Turin." He said he found it near to other rock face carvings that looked like those created by the Mayan civilisations that lived in Mexico and central America during around 750 BC. He added: "I found some more ancient ruins from the tiny alien race that lived in this area of Mars. "In the photos above, you can see some sculptures. They are very reminiscent of ancient Mayan carving.

Jesus face mars has been found on Mars and is going viral right now!
Jesus Christ face found in an image on Mars
Mayan-Mars intricate symbols and Martian significance is huge?
Mayan type symbols on the red planet, Mars
He also claims this is a Mayan-style carving on Mars.

"The photos above has two sculptures in it. One is a bird face with a matching upside down bird face below it...mirroring it. "Then just below the bird faces there is the Mayan face. The face has rigid lines." Mr Waring spends hours scouring images taken by the NASA Curiosity rover, which is exploring the Martian surface, looking for signs of current or former life.

He claims his out there research has proved that there was once a civilisation, just like ours on Earth, building on the Red Planet.

But, he remains disappointed that no one on earth seems to be taking him seriously. He added: "It's clear that a very primitive civilisation lived in this area of Mars long ago, but its still unclear how thousands of archaeologists around the world could not take a moment away from their books to spend a few minutes looking at such discoveries.
  • "These discoveries should change the entire way we see ourselves as humans. So many opportunities in human history that aliens could have and probably did influence."
However, NASA says the rover has found no evidence of any life, current or former, while exploring at close range on Mars. Mr Waring has to look at the Martian surface through images it takes, rather than being there.

NASA says he is experiencing the effects of pareidoilia - a phenomenon whereby the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects such as faces or animal shapes in textures or patterns such as rock surfaces, clouds or wallpaper patterns. In short, fueled by an over active imagination, Mr Waring is seeing what he wants to see, say NASA experts.

Pyramids have also been found on Mars
Pyramids also have been found on Mars
Even Mickey Mouse has been found on Mars so nature could be playing a big part of what we see as faces?
Mickey Mouse has also been found on Mars
Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars
Crocodile(s) on Mars
Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars
Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars
Mars Curiosity Rover on duty
Finding real anomalies on the "red planet" other wise knows as Mars is more common than you think! It seem's like every single day people or conspiracy theorists are coming up trumps all the time. I for one have found quite a few anomalies in images of the Martian surface? There's statues, skulls and even animals! That is no joke my friends. There seem's to be monkies, squirrels and even Alien type bodies found in images of Mars.

It's crazy I know but the "bigger picture" here is not that WE are crazy or really, really misled, oh no! Not in the slightest because the bigger picture to "ALL" this is that it proves NASA is NOT filming on Mars! They are actually filming on Earth in various locations depending on what images they want? It's not like they can go to different locations filming scenes - but then claim that the footage is all just one single location supposedly on Mars?

Area 51 is arguably the most secretive place on this Earth? It certainly is the most famous military installation on this Earth?
Area 51 the most top secret place on Earth
As you probably have guessed by now, it's this they cannot control and keep the deception going because there is lot's of people out there that can't be fooled and it's these (me included) people that they want us to be known as crazy or least conspiracy nut's. But, with all the evidence (which they won't address by the - way) it point's to one conclusion?
  • "They (NASA) are lying and they are covering up one of mankind's biggest truth's."
The name NASA actually stands for this - Never. A. Straight. Answer!

If you look at a few videos on our channels you will see the deception reveal itself and if you just peek under the carpet you'll see some of histories most famous events was in fact a huge conspiracy that was designed to bankrupt Russia and it's allies. That my friends is the real history. The images below are of the world's most evil people. The Illuminati and the New World Order.

The real master's of the universe and the real power players on this planet! Be aware of these people as they are untrustworthy.
The power players and the gate keepers of the future and the past

This is what the powerful people are trying to keep a secret and this is just one example of the evil that they do!
We have a right to know about our Galaxy neighbours

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