Friday 13 January 2017

Christians predicted the apocalypse THIS WEEK as Venus lines up with Wolf Moon, BUT it never happened, lol.

Christians predict apocalypse THIS WEEK as Venus lines up with Wolf Moon.
This is what they thought was going to happen? I found this video that said the end of the world was going to happen on the night of 12 January 2017. BUT it never even happened, I'de hate to be that guy.

This is the main story I found about this prophecy. It originates from express online. Follow this link for it.

CHRISTIANS around the globe are linking recent astronomical phenomenon to the end of the world - which they believe could happen this week. The evening of January 19 will see the first full moon of the year, known as the Wolf Moon, and Venus will be at its brightest for the first time in eight year.

The end is near and we all are going to meet our maker, AGAIN!

This, combined with the fact that they fall on the eve of the first Friday the 13th of the year, has led some to believe that the end is nigh. While separately the three incidents are nothing new, with a full moon every month, Venus being this bright every eight years and two or three ‘Friday the 13th’s a year, when combined, some fear that the apocalypse is coming.

The end is about to happen yet again and were all in for a bumpy ride?

Many are pointing to the Bible’s Luke 21:25, which reads: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”

The end is about to happen yet again and were all in for a bumpy ride?

The full moon and Venus, which will look like an exceptionally bright star, could be interpreted as ‘signs in the moon and stars’, and with Donald Trump’s inauguration little more than a week away and heightened tension between nations around the globe could be the “distress of nations”. One person wrote on Facebook: “Please we need to be ready at all times because we are practically close to the end of days.”

This is Venus and it looks like a satellite or even a distant Sun that's how bright it is.

Another added: “Jesus is going to crack the sky and take His children home soon and very soon. The world is looking for a savior in all the wrong places. “So much division and hatred, and wars of every kind. Not just wars between countries, but wars in the home, wars with the government, wars between generations, wars in the marriage, wars in the streets, war everywhere you see.”

A third, with a bit of tongue-in-cheek, said: “January 12, Celtic Wolf, Full Moon. January 13..a Friday (nuff said). January 14th, my 50th birthday. I don't see days as much as horseman of the apocalypse.” However, judging by numerous apocalyptic predictions in recent months, we think we’ll be safe this time.

Well that's the full original story and if you believed it then good on you, if you didn't believe in this then why did you read it? Was it for curiosity because that's what caught my eye aswell, lol. Why do people always want the world to end? Do you think these people are depressed or mentally ill? I just hope that they get the help that they need because I have family members with mental health issues and it's not a pretty sight.

Trying to frighten people to death is not good also. It's just not funny at all and this post is to highlight the sad prophecies that people want you to fall for. NOT ONE end of the world prophecy has come true, ever since day dot! It does not matter if it was the Pope that fore told it. The world has never stopped rotating, it's never gone up in a plume of smoke and it won't just fall out of ... thin air?

It certainly hasn't gone boom! The meteorite that supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs was a freak event if it happened? The only other thing is the "Big Bang" or the ice ages that have happened. The 74 plus pole shifts are scientifically proven to have occurred but still, if you don't believe it, then you don't have to? The past is based in "part fact" and "part belief" and "part fiction". The overall of what I'm saying is this, "believe in whatever you want to believe in, NO-ONE can "predict or foretell the future", just remember that!"

You don't have a 3rd eye, you can not tell the future!
But if you really think you can, then please send me a horse race prophecy so I can prove you have the "gift"?
The 3rd (third) eye is not real and no-one can tell the future no matter how convincing or no matter what status they have in society!

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