Sunday 22 January 2017

Wolverine-inspired material will give robots the ability to HEAL themselves

SCIENTISTS are on the brink of creating robots that have the ability to heal after an inventor came up with a material that can regenerate.

The material is being heralded as the first synthetic ionic conductor, which allows ions to run through the material, which would allow it to heal itself it is cut or is partially detached. Scientists from the University of California Riverside and the University of Colorado were inspired in-part by the X-Men superhero Wolverine when coming up with the idea.

The material is made up of a mixture of high ionic strength salt and stretchable polar polymer which allows it to be electrically conductive that molecules are able to flow through and reattach any tears or cuts. It is highly stretchable, with it able to stretch 50 times its original length, and can completely heal itself at room temperature within 24 hours of it being torn.
Superhero Wolverine self healing metal
Self healing metal
 Study co-author Chao Wang, from UC Riverside and has said that Marvel’s Wolverine was the inspiration behind it, said: “Creating a material with all these properties has been a puzzle for years. “We did that and now are just beginning to explore the applications.”

Initially, the scientists behind the material hope that it can be used for long lasting lithium ion batteries that are used in the likes of electric cars, but during their study they created an artificial muscle made-up of two layers of the new, inexpensive, material and watched it heal itself after being intentionally damaged. This opens its potential uses up massively, with futuristic robots being able to heal themselves in the same way that humans can.

Superhero Wolverine self healing metal
The ability to self heal is amazing
The study, published in Advanced Materials, reads: “Nature has perfected mechanisms of self-healing through evolution into a preeminent survival feature of biological systems. “Similarly, man-made materials with self-healing capabilities are highly desirable for areas of application spanning from weather resistant surfaces to robust electronics.”

Superhero Wolverine self healing metal

Thursday 19 January 2017

Floating Above Yueyang City In China,You Can Clearly See Another CITY - From Another Reality?

Was this 'floating city' that appeared over China a glimpse into 'another dimension'?


My thoughts on this is that China has got some strange technology but not enough to cause this? Here's what the wet wipes said about it...

A FLOATING city seen in the skies of China by thousands of people has sparked claims of another dimension appearing above Earth, with aliens “highly interested” in humans.

The apparition was allegedly seen by thousands of people in Yueyang, a city with one population of one million. It is the latest in a series of so-called floating cities seen across the globe, often in China. The emergence of the phenomenon has prompted several theories, including that it was visible because a portal to another dimension was briefly opened.

Other theories included that it was a secret government hologram experiment, known by conspiracy theorists as Project Bluebeam - an alleged plot to create a fake second coming to exhort more control over the masses, or even connected to aliens. Scott C Waring, editor of, blogged: "This floating city in the sky was recorded over Yueyang, China a few days ago. "That is a city of about 1 million people so I am sure loads of people noticed it."

Floating City in China looks like an Alien mother Ship

Although most people thought it resembled a cityscape, alien chaser Mr Waring concluded it was a UFO. He added: "I believe that this is a UFO mothership that is using the China smog problem for its own benefit so that it can make a rare appearance by flying low and doing some serious research on the humans in Yueyang city. "This is not the only time that such a strange event has ever occurred. It has been seen several times a year in China over various cities, last time a floating city was hovering above water. “Also another floating city was seen in the sky that was five times bigger than the city below and very high up, looking more like an ancient castle than anything else. "Aliens are highly interested in China as you can see."

The video has been watched more than 18,000 times on YouTube. One user said: "Is that from another dimension?" Another said: "Testing blue beam?" While, a third said: "Test view for people. These buildings soon future of huge megacity!" There was also more speculation of aliens, with a fourth adding: "Incredibly rare UFO creation - there are so many people in such tight areas that no wonder they get these experiences."

In October 2015 thousands of people reportedly saw a ghostly alien city floating over Foshan in the Guangdong province of China. A few days later people in the province of Jiangxi, China, also reported seeing a similar cloud city. But weather experts have explained the phenomena to be a natural mirage, an optical illusion called Fata Morgana. Fata Morgana can be seen on land or sea and involves the optical distortion and inversion of distant objects such as boats, which can appears as skyscrapers because the images become stacked, when rays of light bend as they pass through air of different temperatures such as in a heat haze.

Does this look like another reality colliding with this one?

Scott Brando runs website which debunks UFO sightings and other alleged paranormal phenomena. He found images of the same place, which showed the event was caused by fog covering part of actual buildings, and was not even a fata morgana mirage, and certainly not paranormal. He told "Here are the same buildings, from the same place, covered by the fog. "It is not a fake, and not even a fata morgana effect."

Friday 13 January 2017

Christians predicted the apocalypse THIS WEEK as Venus lines up with Wolf Moon, BUT it never happened, lol.

Christians predict apocalypse THIS WEEK as Venus lines up with Wolf Moon.
This is what they thought was going to happen? I found this video that said the end of the world was going to happen on the night of 12 January 2017. BUT it never even happened, I'de hate to be that guy.

This is the main story I found about this prophecy. It originates from express online. Follow this link for it.

CHRISTIANS around the globe are linking recent astronomical phenomenon to the end of the world - which they believe could happen this week. The evening of January 19 will see the first full moon of the year, known as the Wolf Moon, and Venus will be at its brightest for the first time in eight year.

The end is near and we all are going to meet our maker, AGAIN!

This, combined with the fact that they fall on the eve of the first Friday the 13th of the year, has led some to believe that the end is nigh. While separately the three incidents are nothing new, with a full moon every month, Venus being this bright every eight years and two or three ‘Friday the 13th’s a year, when combined, some fear that the apocalypse is coming.

The end is about to happen yet again and were all in for a bumpy ride?

Many are pointing to the Bible’s Luke 21:25, which reads: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”

The end is about to happen yet again and were all in for a bumpy ride?

The full moon and Venus, which will look like an exceptionally bright star, could be interpreted as ‘signs in the moon and stars’, and with Donald Trump’s inauguration little more than a week away and heightened tension between nations around the globe could be the “distress of nations”. One person wrote on Facebook: “Please we need to be ready at all times because we are practically close to the end of days.”

This is Venus and it looks like a satellite or even a distant Sun that's how bright it is.

Another added: “Jesus is going to crack the sky and take His children home soon and very soon. The world is looking for a savior in all the wrong places. “So much division and hatred, and wars of every kind. Not just wars between countries, but wars in the home, wars with the government, wars between generations, wars in the marriage, wars in the streets, war everywhere you see.”

A third, with a bit of tongue-in-cheek, said: “January 12, Celtic Wolf, Full Moon. January 13..a Friday (nuff said). January 14th, my 50th birthday. I don't see days as much as horseman of the apocalypse.” However, judging by numerous apocalyptic predictions in recent months, we think we’ll be safe this time.

Well that's the full original story and if you believed it then good on you, if you didn't believe in this then why did you read it? Was it for curiosity because that's what caught my eye aswell, lol. Why do people always want the world to end? Do you think these people are depressed or mentally ill? I just hope that they get the help that they need because I have family members with mental health issues and it's not a pretty sight.

Trying to frighten people to death is not good also. It's just not funny at all and this post is to highlight the sad prophecies that people want you to fall for. NOT ONE end of the world prophecy has come true, ever since day dot! It does not matter if it was the Pope that fore told it. The world has never stopped rotating, it's never gone up in a plume of smoke and it won't just fall out of ... thin air?

It certainly hasn't gone boom! The meteorite that supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs was a freak event if it happened? The only other thing is the "Big Bang" or the ice ages that have happened. The 74 plus pole shifts are scientifically proven to have occurred but still, if you don't believe it, then you don't have to? The past is based in "part fact" and "part belief" and "part fiction". The overall of what I'm saying is this, "believe in whatever you want to believe in, NO-ONE can "predict or foretell the future", just remember that!"

You don't have a 3rd eye, you can not tell the future!
But if you really think you can, then please send me a horse race prophecy so I can prove you have the "gift"?
The 3rd (third) eye is not real and no-one can tell the future no matter how convincing or no matter what status they have in society!

Saturday 7 January 2017

DID MARTIANS START CHRISTIANITY A VERY LONG TIME AGO? New shocking claim "Jesus' face is found on Mars"

First of all I want to show you a quick video about possible plant life that has been found on Mars, it's very cool and well worth watching?

Here's the post;
AN ALIEN hunter has claimed extraterrestrials may have influenced life on Earth and follow the same religions as humans.
Jesus-Mars image leaves Christians in disbelief
Jesus face has been found on Mars
This is a carving like the Turin Shroud on Mars, claims an alien hunter.

The outlandish announcement has been made on website, following shocking pictures which appear to show the face of Jesus, like that depicted on the Turin Shroud have been found near "other archaeological remains" in NASA images of the Red Planet. Scott C Waring, editor of the website, said: "The Jesus-like face below is difficult to see.

It looks similar to the Shroud of Turin." He said he found it near to other rock face carvings that looked like those created by the Mayan civilisations that lived in Mexico and central America during around 750 BC. He added: "I found some more ancient ruins from the tiny alien race that lived in this area of Mars. "In the photos above, you can see some sculptures. They are very reminiscent of ancient Mayan carving.

Jesus face mars has been found on Mars and is going viral right now!
Jesus Christ face found in an image on Mars
Mayan-Mars intricate symbols and Martian significance is huge?
Mayan type symbols on the red planet, Mars
He also claims this is a Mayan-style carving on Mars.

"The photos above has two sculptures in it. One is a bird face with a matching upside down bird face below it...mirroring it. "Then just below the bird faces there is the Mayan face. The face has rigid lines." Mr Waring spends hours scouring images taken by the NASA Curiosity rover, which is exploring the Martian surface, looking for signs of current or former life.

He claims his out there research has proved that there was once a civilisation, just like ours on Earth, building on the Red Planet.

But, he remains disappointed that no one on earth seems to be taking him seriously. He added: "It's clear that a very primitive civilisation lived in this area of Mars long ago, but its still unclear how thousands of archaeologists around the world could not take a moment away from their books to spend a few minutes looking at such discoveries.
  • "These discoveries should change the entire way we see ourselves as humans. So many opportunities in human history that aliens could have and probably did influence."
However, NASA says the rover has found no evidence of any life, current or former, while exploring at close range on Mars. Mr Waring has to look at the Martian surface through images it takes, rather than being there.

NASA says he is experiencing the effects of pareidoilia - a phenomenon whereby the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects such as faces or animal shapes in textures or patterns such as rock surfaces, clouds or wallpaper patterns. In short, fueled by an over active imagination, Mr Waring is seeing what he wants to see, say NASA experts.

Pyramids have also been found on Mars
Pyramids also have been found on Mars
Even Mickey Mouse has been found on Mars so nature could be playing a big part of what we see as faces?
Mickey Mouse has also been found on Mars
Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars

Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars
Crocodile(s) on Mars
Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars
Mars anomaly images with unusual features and formations like skulls, faces, pottery, animals and plant life have all been found on Mars
Mars Curiosity Rover on duty
Finding real anomalies on the "red planet" other wise knows as Mars is more common than you think! It seem's like every single day people or conspiracy theorists are coming up trumps all the time. I for one have found quite a few anomalies in images of the Martian surface? There's statues, skulls and even animals! That is no joke my friends. There seem's to be monkies, squirrels and even Alien type bodies found in images of Mars.

It's crazy I know but the "bigger picture" here is not that WE are crazy or really, really misled, oh no! Not in the slightest because the bigger picture to "ALL" this is that it proves NASA is NOT filming on Mars! They are actually filming on Earth in various locations depending on what images they want? It's not like they can go to different locations filming scenes - but then claim that the footage is all just one single location supposedly on Mars?

Area 51 is arguably the most secretive place on this Earth? It certainly is the most famous military installation on this Earth?
Area 51 the most top secret place on Earth
As you probably have guessed by now, it's this they cannot control and keep the deception going because there is lot's of people out there that can't be fooled and it's these (me included) people that they want us to be known as crazy or least conspiracy nut's. But, with all the evidence (which they won't address by the - way) it point's to one conclusion?
  • "They (NASA) are lying and they are covering up one of mankind's biggest truth's."
The name NASA actually stands for this - Never. A. Straight. Answer!

If you look at a few videos on our channels you will see the deception reveal itself and if you just peek under the carpet you'll see some of histories most famous events was in fact a huge conspiracy that was designed to bankrupt Russia and it's allies. That my friends is the real history. The images below are of the world's most evil people. The Illuminati and the New World Order.

The real master's of the universe and the real power players on this planet! Be aware of these people as they are untrustworthy.
The power players and the gate keepers of the future and the past

This is what the powerful people are trying to keep a secret and this is just one example of the evil that they do!
We have a right to know about our Galaxy neighbours

Thursday 5 January 2017

Anonymous hacks the 'Illuminati' itself placing warning on the mysterious Bilderbergs Group website

THE Anonymous Group hacked into the website of the mysterious Bilderberg Group before defacing its website with a "we're watching you" warning.

Set up in 1954, the Bilderberg Group holds a global top-secret meeting for world political and business leaders, and the Anonymous warning called on it to ensure it works for the benefit of humanity not personal agendas in 2017. The message said: "Dear Bilderberg members, from now, each one of you has one year to truly work in favour of humans and not your private interests. "Each TopIc you discuss or work you achieve through Your uber private meetings should from now benefit world populations and not X or Y group of people otherwise, we will find you and we will hack you.”

The Bilderberg Group is a secretive organization tied to the Illuminati
The all seeing eye
The Bilderberg Group is a secretive organization tied to the Illuminati
Very secretive like the Illuminati
Bilderberg has been described as the world’s most secretive gathering of global leaders and elites, with prime ministers and presidents, bankers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 topping the guest list for 2016 in Dresden, Germany. Anti-capitalist group Anonymous, which once waged a cyber war on Islamic State, along with the Hack-Back movement are believed to be responsible for the hack which left the message on the group's website for a number of days, arguing there was no global equality and human rights were an illusion.

Bilderberg is seen by some conspiracy theorists as the public face of an alleged top-secret organisation that actually runs world governments from behind the scenes called the Illuminati. The date for the 2017 Bilderberg meeting has not been announced. Conspiracy theorists claim the Illuminati is trying to bring about a New World Order to rule is through one global organisation, in some sinister plot. The Anonymous warning called for the Bilderberg Group to bring an end any plans for a "new world order", and criticised leaders for "planning wars for personal interests".

Secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg meetings only seeks to fuel such conspiracies. Inside the annual meetings, no journalists are allowed in and there is no opening or closing press conferences or statements. On top of this no minutes are taken and attendees are urged not to discuss what goes on inside with anyone else. Of course, the organisers of the Bilderberg meetings, claim it is just the world's biggest lobby group and talking shop.

Bilderberg's organisers deny any global conspiracy, saying they “never sought any publicity", and deny they can choose the next US president or select where the next war will take place. Anonymous hacked the website of the Bilderberg Group, posting a new year warning. A statement on its website says: "Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, Bilderberg has been an annual forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.

"Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the meeting. "About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.
  • "The meeting is a forum for informal discussions about megatrends and major issues facing the world. 
  • "The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed." 
No details have yet been released about the venue or date of the 2017 meeting.

Anonymous targeted the group during its meeting in Dresden last June, conducting a denial of service attack on the website forcing it to stay offline for several hours. Last week exclusively revealed that Anonymous warned in a chilling New Year warning it plans to
  • "take over the western world" 
in 2017,
  • "dragging government leaders through the streets" 

to achieve its goal. Other Anonymous targets in recent weeks included several Thai government websites in protest at a newly amended cyber law, considered to be restrictive to users' internet freedoms.
An allegedly linked group AnonPlus is also believed to have placed a message on the website of the Victorian Human Rights Commission in Australia this week for an unknown reason.

secret bilderberg club
Horrible, controlling, powerful people

Sunday 1 January 2017

The Mandela Effect and the best evidence up to date including a brilliant video

Every-time CERN turns on that machine, we all get another dose of reality colliding with another reality, just a little change here, a little change there? It doesn't matter because it's only minuscule things that are changing... right? What happens if somebodies ancestor accidentally takes a plunge down a 200 foot well or a cliff? I just learned today that Black Panthers don't even exist? Never did!

The Mandela Effect is changing our reality and collapsing time lines
The changing of history and the effects of this?

Lets have a good look at the Mandela Effect with this video, is the Devil playing tricks on us?

Here is an awesome Mandela Effect video. Is the Devil playing trick's on us all?


I hope that the Mandela Effect doesn't get us all in to too much trouble? We know it's having a negative effect on our history but what if it start's to have an effect on our DNA and or animals existence? If they are tweaking the past to control the future (that's my theory) then it's a massive gamble that they get it right, what ever it is they're doing?

I suppose they have their reason's and I really hope it's better than "just because they can"? If that's their main reason for doing these "Big Bang" experiment's then this is a flawed experiment because as we know now, CERN is changing the past. The thing's being changed are mind blowing? I remember black Panther's (the animal) but apparently my friends, they don't exist and never have!

That's mind blowing stuff.

What is the Mandela effect?

Watch this video about the Mandela Effect

Are you living in an alternate reality? Welcome to the wacky world of the 'Mandela Effect'. o you remember the Looney Toons? Many people will swear blind that it was always spelled "toons," as in cartoons. They can clearly visualise the logo with all those "o"s, and they are astonished if not completely disbelieving when confronted with the evidence that the animated series is and has always been called Looney Tunes. But could that be proof of the Mandela Effect – the latest online conspiracy theory that argues we are living in an alternate reality?

The Mandela effect is totally real
Yes the Mandela Effect is real and is changing history
The Mandela Effect was named by paranormal enthusiast Fiona Broome when she discovered she wasn’t the only one who wrongly believed Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s. It wasn’t one of those casual misconceptions that we all have that a certain person must be dead simply because we haven’t heard about them for years. Broome vividly recalled the media coverage of Mandela’s funeral and subsequent riots. And that was in 2010, when he was still alive, so it wasn’t that she remembered footage from 2013 and had simply mixed up the dates.

When Broome started she quickly discovered that there were groups of people who remembered other periods of history differently, such as insisting that the protester who defied the tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989 was run over by them. Some claim they were taught that in school. According to the theory, such memories are accounted for by something such as a time traveller (or, to blame those meddling scientists, a quantum ripple created by CERN’s Large Hedron Collider) changing history and creating sci-fi-style alternate realities.

The Mandela effect
Is it really a phenomenon?
Moreover, that some of us have moved between those realities, hence remembering things that have been written out of our current timeline. It sounds far-fetched, but it’s the claimed changes to small details, such as the spelling of well-remembered brand names and the subtle "altering" of familiar logos that has convinced believers history has been tampered with during our lifetimes. Take a look at the Ford badge, for example. Do you remember it ever having that unusual little pigtail on the end of the bar that passes through the "F"? Despite the logo being one of the most recognised in the world, many will swear they’ve never seen that little loop before, and moreover that it just doesn’t look right.

It’s not an updated logo, however – the loop’s been there since at least 1912, so throughout the entire lifetime of most who claim the bar never had a flourish on the end. Some alleged examples of the Mandela Effect are easily debunked. If you grew up reciting a line in the Lord’s Prayer as “forgive us our trespasses,” you may be momentarily taken in by a YouTube conspiracy theorist’s claim that such a familiar text has changed overnight to “forgive us our debts.” Check with Wikipedia and – my god! – it is “debts” – how did that happen? Scroll down, though, and you’ll find there have always been different versions favoured by different denominations.
Here is some more proof that Mandela died in 1991
Just random newspaper clippings about Mandela's death in 1991
Similarly, there’s nothing wrong with the memories of those who say La-Z-Boy chairs used to be spelt Lay-Z-Boy. Whether misprints or otherwise, plenty of old adverts exist with the Lay-Z-Boy spelling. The case that most excites believers, however, is that of the Berenstain Bears, a children’s book series that hundreds or even thousands of online commenter's remember as the Berenstein Bears. According to Mike Berenstain, whose father Stan created the series, the spelling has always been "stain." And although there are old press clippings with the "stein" spelling – it’s an easy typing error – no misprinted versions of the books have surfaced to explain why so many people would be so convinced their treasured childhood reading once had Berenstein on the cover.

False memory experts explain the Mandela Effect as confabulation, where different memories get mixed together to create something that a person comes to believe is true. Berenstain would therefore be remembered as "stein" simply because readers have grown up seeing far more names ending in "stein," such as Einstein. Psychology, meanwhile, offers a number of reasons why memes like the Mandela Effect can quickly gain a following. The first is another ME – the Misinformation Effect. If someone tells you the Ford logo looks different to what it did, there’s a natural tendency to believe them if you’ve never looked closely at it before.

More things that have been changed by the Mandela Effect
More changes in this crazy reality
That effect would be doubled if the theorist began – as they often do – by showing you a photo-shopped version and fed you the suggestion that “this is what we all remember the Ford logo to look like, don’t we?” If the doctored version looks plausible, because you have no firm memory to check it against, it’s a short step to accepting that the real badge is the impostor. For those who have always misremembered a particular spelling, meanwhile, cognitive dissonance describes the difficulty of accepting evidence that contradicts a deeply held belief.

Basically, we’re more likely to trust our fond (if faulty) memories of the Berenstein Bears and believe that Berenstain must be wrong. Confirmation bias then plays its part: converts to a belief tend to seek out evidence that confirms their belief and disregard evidence to the contrary. Of course, one reason conspiracy theories catch on may simply be that they’re fun. You don’t have to actually believe in the Mandela Effect to be entertained by the notion of how cool it would be if time travel and alternate universes were real.

The Mandela effect
Even more proof of the Mandela Effect
A hunger for the uncanny has always drawn an audience to science fiction, so why not to YouTube, where countless flat Earth proponents and ufologists are waiting to convince you that their far-fetched stories are true? Then again, it could be that every Mandela Effect convert was once a sceptic, chuckling at those who believe in alternate universes, until they each had that sudden WTF moment when they came across an example like Looney Toons, which they personally knew with absolute certainly was never, ever Looney Tunes. Here is the link to this extraordinary post.
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