Tuesday 14 February 2017


Nibiru is behind our Sun and very real

For so many years I had heard reports of a mysterious 9th or 10th planet in deep space (if you still count Pluto as a planet) commonly referred to as “Planet X” or “Niburu” (var. Nibiru — meaning the bright star of the crossing). 

Nibiru is also the name of a hypothetical planet proposed by Zecharia Sitchin, based on the idea that the ancient civilizations had made connections with extraterrestrials, a hypothesis considered unlikely by the majority of the scientists and historians.

According to Zecharia Sitchin, this people knew all the planets of the solar system, including Nibiru, a slow planet that initially moved every 3,600 years (a period of time reduced to 3,450 years by gravitational dynamics of the Solar System). 

This Planet passes by the Asteroid Belt. For most astronomers, the planet X hypothesis was largely rejected when the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft missions allowed them to recalculate the masses of the gaseous giants and did not detect any strong gravitational pull beyond the orbit of Neptune.
In May 2012, Rodney da Silva Gomes, an astronomer at the National Observatory, proposed by revising orbital calculations that there is the possibility of a star four times larger and 1,5 thousand times more distant from the Sun than the Earth, interfering in Orbits of Kuiper belt objects.

Original source can be found here.

News about Nibiru Planet X

Sign post for the end of the world

Space collisions Nibiru

Earth is doomed from Nibiru

Nibiru, Planet X, Wormwood

Saturday 11 February 2017


Panic broke out on the side of a busy interstate highway in Arizona after a number of motorists found what appeared to be the wreckage of a space capsule lying abandoned. Concerned motorists pulled over to assess the scene and immediately decided to contact the authorities of the closest city of Casa Grande. 

The police promptly attended the scene and reported that the supposed space capsule was attached to a parachute and was labeled with ‘United States and Capt. J. Millard’ and a depiction of the American national flag.

Witnesses at the scene automatically assumed that the capsule had somehow been knocked out of orbit, with many expressing worries that this was a clear sign that the United States was under attack. Rumors immediately began to proliferate about who could be attacking the country. One rumor was that the country was under attack from a foreign country, with the most likely culprit identified as China. 

In the wake of President’s Trump controversial and aggressive attitude towards the major world power which has a reputation for pre-emptive strikes, it was speculated that China had attacked a military space facility. Others suggested that the space capsule could be a sign of attacks from extra-terrestrials. As it transpired, the origin of the space capsule wasn’t quite so dramatic as the first shot of World Three or an attack from outer space.

After a brief investigation, the Arizona Department of Public Safety found that the space capsule was nothing more worrisome than an expertly made art installation. A local artist named Jack Millard came forward to claim responsibility for the panic-inducing installation. He said that he had crafted the space capsule construction from the abandoned remnants of a cement mixer. Rather impressively, he added that it had only taken him two days to create the sophisticated art work. "I just get these impulses to create, "Millard said to the press, "It's a glorified yard ornament."

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