Monday 13 November 2017

Top 10 New Mandela Effect Examples That Are Going To Turn Your Brain To Mush

These Top 10 Mandela effect examples have already "probably" already changed in the waves of the Mandela effect sea many times again and again like a wave, because that's what I believe they do? It isn't just once that alot of things were changed but I believe that things are still continuing to change and change all the time because of what CERN - LHC DID and not based on what they are doing at any given moment now? It's what they did? It's what they can't repair? It's what they have to keep jumping for? It's the reason why they need more and more energy, to get further and further away from the inevitable decay, the inevitable stench of death? I mean, they have to make it look real don't they?

Ha, Ha you fuckers! I know what you did, you twats! They messed up big time way back when the last dimension was going tear itself apart and everyone on the planet could feel it in the air about to happen - mostly in the middle east and places where the free peoples rose up against their governments?

The twats at CERN -LHC began to open bigger and bigger dimensions from BIG BANGS and boom, we slipped on right in there and confirmed it by the effects! I mean, your dick was small in the last dimension and it is still small now? So it comes down to distances. Not here, but way off on the fringes. That's where the biggest changes took place.
And you thought that it was Alaska(n) airlines? well, maybe but what really confirmed the jump most was the prophecy or "worked out orbit" solar eclipse of recent. That little bugger confirmed everything they've been working on for God particle knows how long? Changing the ATOM was stupid and CERN was turned on to 75% capacity on December 21st, 2012 and was forced offline due to technical issues (in other words successfully transporting us into another dimension). Isn’t it interesting that that was the New Age planned day of ascension?


The reasons for the westerners not really feeling it in the air was because of the food they have always eaten from being a baby and let's not forget the CHEMTRAILS that we are being systematically being sprayed on. The chemicals are to chill us out? They are to fatten you up old chap? You see that mould in your house, YOUR AREA GOT A BAD SPRAYING ONE DAY!

You see the damp in poor peoples houses, their area got a heavy dose!
We are being sprayed in a grid formation.
Ever since the Mandela effect happened and we are starting to wake up and see the examples of change everywhere, they will scramble more and more to pull the wool over yours and my eyes even more! You can take that to the Bank!

They are full of stuff that if I tried to pronounce I would sound like I'm either drunk on whiskey or short tongued which by the way there is nothing wrong with at all! I'm just saying that trying to pronounce some of the chemicals, powders and other rubbish like E numbers and fatty acids and "laboratory made" additives for the food industry plus there's the DNA altered Genetically Modified foods which have got into pretty much every westerner by now even though it is illegal in some western countries? The chemtrails also have been a massive help to the western powers in stemming an actual uprising like what we saw in Libya and Syria and other places?

So the people in the middle east, places like that? You need to know you are lucky that your food is not contaminated UNLESS if you eat all that food aid stuff on the lorries that western powers are trying desperately to get to the peoples of the uprisings to calm them down!
It is drugged with stuff that goes undetected because the testing laboratories are under the said governments powers and not the charities control!

1. The number of rings Target's bullseye logo has. Some people passionately insist that the Target logo used to look different, recalling there being more rings. In actuality, the one farthest to the left is the correct one.

Some people passionately insist that the Target logo used to look different, recalling there being more rings. In actuality, the one farthest to the left is the correct one.

Some people passionately insist that the Target logo used to look different, recalling there being more rings. In actuality, the one farthest to the left is the correct one.

2. In the Saw movies, Jigsaw doesn't say "Would you like to play a game?" or "Do you want to play a game?"

Despite others remembering it differently, Jigsaw actually says, "I want to play a game."

Despite others remembering it differently, Jigsaw actually says, "I want to play a game."

3. The "What if I told you everything you knew was a lie?" line in The Matrix is a lie.

Despite there being countless "What if I told you..." memes, and several people saying they specifically remember it being a line, at no point in any of The Matrix trilogy does Morpheus say that.

Despite there being countless "What if I told you..." memes, and several people saying they specifically remember it being a line, at no point in any of The Matrix trilogy does Morpheus say that.

4. Ned Stark never says, "Brace yourselves..."

The "Brace yourselves..." memes really took off, though there's no Game of Thrones episode during which he actually says that.

The "Brace yourselves..." memes really took off, though there's no Game of Thrones episode during which he actually says that.

5. The Laughing Cow's missing gold nose ring.

Nose rings are typically seen on bulls, not cows, yet people say they remember The Laughing Cow logo specifically rocking a gold nose ring.

Nose rings are typically seen on bulls, not cows, yet people say they remember The Laughing Cow logo specifically rocking a gold nose ring.

6. The color of Tony the Tiger's nose.

Many recall the cereal mascot's nose being black, but it's actually blue.

Many recall the cereal mascot's nose being black, but it's actually blue.

7. "Alaskan Airlines" has changed to "Alaska Airlines."

"Alaskan Airlines" isn't a thing, despite some people remembering it to be.

"Alaskan Airlines" isn't a thing, despite some people remembering it to be.

8. "Sketchers" or "Skechers" sketchiness.

Despite many believing the shoe company's name was spelled S-K-E-T-C-H-E-R-S, there is no T.

Despite many believing the shoe company's name was spelled S-K-E-T-C-H-E-R-S, there is no T.

9. White-Out is actually Wite-Out.

If "Wite-Out" doesn't look right to you, you're not alone. People seem to think they remember it being "White-Out" once upon a time.

If "Wite-Out" doesn't look right to you, you're not alone. People seem to think they remember it being "White-Out" once upon a time. 10. The Tinker Bell Disney intro that doesn't exist.

Tuesday 14 February 2017


Nibiru is behind our Sun and very real

For so many years I had heard reports of a mysterious 9th or 10th planet in deep space (if you still count Pluto as a planet) commonly referred to as “Planet X” or “Niburu” (var. Nibiru — meaning the bright star of the crossing). 

Nibiru is also the name of a hypothetical planet proposed by Zecharia Sitchin, based on the idea that the ancient civilizations had made connections with extraterrestrials, a hypothesis considered unlikely by the majority of the scientists and historians.

According to Zecharia Sitchin, this people knew all the planets of the solar system, including Nibiru, a slow planet that initially moved every 3,600 years (a period of time reduced to 3,450 years by gravitational dynamics of the Solar System). 

This Planet passes by the Asteroid Belt. For most astronomers, the planet X hypothesis was largely rejected when the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft missions allowed them to recalculate the masses of the gaseous giants and did not detect any strong gravitational pull beyond the orbit of Neptune.
In May 2012, Rodney da Silva Gomes, an astronomer at the National Observatory, proposed by revising orbital calculations that there is the possibility of a star four times larger and 1,5 thousand times more distant from the Sun than the Earth, interfering in Orbits of Kuiper belt objects.

Original source can be found here.

News about Nibiru Planet X

Sign post for the end of the world

Space collisions Nibiru

Earth is doomed from Nibiru

Nibiru, Planet X, Wormwood

Saturday 11 February 2017


Panic broke out on the side of a busy interstate highway in Arizona after a number of motorists found what appeared to be the wreckage of a space capsule lying abandoned. Concerned motorists pulled over to assess the scene and immediately decided to contact the authorities of the closest city of Casa Grande. 

The police promptly attended the scene and reported that the supposed space capsule was attached to a parachute and was labeled with ‘United States and Capt. J. Millard’ and a depiction of the American national flag.

Witnesses at the scene automatically assumed that the capsule had somehow been knocked out of orbit, with many expressing worries that this was a clear sign that the United States was under attack. Rumors immediately began to proliferate about who could be attacking the country. One rumor was that the country was under attack from a foreign country, with the most likely culprit identified as China. 

In the wake of President’s Trump controversial and aggressive attitude towards the major world power which has a reputation for pre-emptive strikes, it was speculated that China had attacked a military space facility. Others suggested that the space capsule could be a sign of attacks from extra-terrestrials. As it transpired, the origin of the space capsule wasn’t quite so dramatic as the first shot of World Three or an attack from outer space.

After a brief investigation, the Arizona Department of Public Safety found that the space capsule was nothing more worrisome than an expertly made art installation. A local artist named Jack Millard came forward to claim responsibility for the panic-inducing installation. He said that he had crafted the space capsule construction from the abandoned remnants of a cement mixer. Rather impressively, he added that it had only taken him two days to create the sophisticated art work. "I just get these impulses to create, "Millard said to the press, "It's a glorified yard ornament."

Sunday 22 January 2017

Wolverine-inspired material will give robots the ability to HEAL themselves

SCIENTISTS are on the brink of creating robots that have the ability to heal after an inventor came up with a material that can regenerate.

The material is being heralded as the first synthetic ionic conductor, which allows ions to run through the material, which would allow it to heal itself it is cut or is partially detached. Scientists from the University of California Riverside and the University of Colorado were inspired in-part by the X-Men superhero Wolverine when coming up with the idea.

The material is made up of a mixture of high ionic strength salt and stretchable polar polymer which allows it to be electrically conductive that molecules are able to flow through and reattach any tears or cuts. It is highly stretchable, with it able to stretch 50 times its original length, and can completely heal itself at room temperature within 24 hours of it being torn.
Superhero Wolverine self healing metal
Self healing metal
 Study co-author Chao Wang, from UC Riverside and has said that Marvel’s Wolverine was the inspiration behind it, said: “Creating a material with all these properties has been a puzzle for years. “We did that and now are just beginning to explore the applications.”

Initially, the scientists behind the material hope that it can be used for long lasting lithium ion batteries that are used in the likes of electric cars, but during their study they created an artificial muscle made-up of two layers of the new, inexpensive, material and watched it heal itself after being intentionally damaged. This opens its potential uses up massively, with futuristic robots being able to heal themselves in the same way that humans can.

Superhero Wolverine self healing metal
The ability to self heal is amazing
The study, published in Advanced Materials, reads: “Nature has perfected mechanisms of self-healing through evolution into a preeminent survival feature of biological systems. “Similarly, man-made materials with self-healing capabilities are highly desirable for areas of application spanning from weather resistant surfaces to robust electronics.”

Superhero Wolverine self healing metal

Thursday 19 January 2017

Floating Above Yueyang City In China,You Can Clearly See Another CITY - From Another Reality?

Was this 'floating city' that appeared over China a glimpse into 'another dimension'?


My thoughts on this is that China has got some strange technology but not enough to cause this? Here's what the wet wipes said about it...

A FLOATING city seen in the skies of China by thousands of people has sparked claims of another dimension appearing above Earth, with aliens “highly interested” in humans.

The apparition was allegedly seen by thousands of people in Yueyang, a city with one population of one million. It is the latest in a series of so-called floating cities seen across the globe, often in China. The emergence of the phenomenon has prompted several theories, including that it was visible because a portal to another dimension was briefly opened.

Other theories included that it was a secret government hologram experiment, known by conspiracy theorists as Project Bluebeam - an alleged plot to create a fake second coming to exhort more control over the masses, or even connected to aliens. Scott C Waring, editor of, blogged: "This floating city in the sky was recorded over Yueyang, China a few days ago. "That is a city of about 1 million people so I am sure loads of people noticed it."

Floating City in China looks like an Alien mother Ship

Although most people thought it resembled a cityscape, alien chaser Mr Waring concluded it was a UFO. He added: "I believe that this is a UFO mothership that is using the China smog problem for its own benefit so that it can make a rare appearance by flying low and doing some serious research on the humans in Yueyang city. "This is not the only time that such a strange event has ever occurred. It has been seen several times a year in China over various cities, last time a floating city was hovering above water. “Also another floating city was seen in the sky that was five times bigger than the city below and very high up, looking more like an ancient castle than anything else. "Aliens are highly interested in China as you can see."

The video has been watched more than 18,000 times on YouTube. One user said: "Is that from another dimension?" Another said: "Testing blue beam?" While, a third said: "Test view for people. These buildings soon future of huge megacity!" There was also more speculation of aliens, with a fourth adding: "Incredibly rare UFO creation - there are so many people in such tight areas that no wonder they get these experiences."

In October 2015 thousands of people reportedly saw a ghostly alien city floating over Foshan in the Guangdong province of China. A few days later people in the province of Jiangxi, China, also reported seeing a similar cloud city. But weather experts have explained the phenomena to be a natural mirage, an optical illusion called Fata Morgana. Fata Morgana can be seen on land or sea and involves the optical distortion and inversion of distant objects such as boats, which can appears as skyscrapers because the images become stacked, when rays of light bend as they pass through air of different temperatures such as in a heat haze.

Does this look like another reality colliding with this one?

Scott Brando runs website which debunks UFO sightings and other alleged paranormal phenomena. He found images of the same place, which showed the event was caused by fog covering part of actual buildings, and was not even a fata morgana mirage, and certainly not paranormal. He told "Here are the same buildings, from the same place, covered by the fog. "It is not a fake, and not even a fata morgana effect."
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